The Company of Dogs was originally set up to enable people to adopt dogs in need of help rather than buy dogs or puppies from dubious beginings and possibly puppy farms. We help dogs locally, in the UK and in Europe. We believe there is a good home for almost all dogs and our job is to find that home.
We operate on the simple pricnciple that people will usually adopt rather than buy if they feel the dog is right, their circumtances are correct and they have the time to spend with the dog.
We are a small team based in Jersey, Channel Islands (UK), through friends and associates based in the UK, Guernsey and Europe, who share the belief that there is no better dog than a rescue dog. We aim to achieve the best outcome for each dog we find or for each dog that finds us.
We have happily homed many dogs and we are aware that sometimes it is the rescue dog that becomes the rescuer. Each rescue dog is the sum of his or her past, with some breed characteristics thrown in. The future is in the hands of the adopter, getting both sides right is our aim.
Life in Spain
Back in January 2022 a typical rescue situation occurred in Spain, a mum and her pups had been spotted surviving near a village , living on scraps of food and dodging traffic.
The mum was understandable nervous and had evaded capture for several months. She then turns up with 10 puppies and then the game is on to see if a rescue centre can put their hands up and help get them off the street and into a safe environment.
We put our hands up and Mimi and her 6 surviving puppies came to safety under the CoD wing…
RIP Barry White Allitt
Unfortunately in June 2022 we lost a CoD figurehead and mascot. Barry was rescued from being left on a roof terrace in the baking sun, he could have died in that situation not knowing either love or care.
He was fortunately brought from Spain to Jersey CI and became a model and an International gentleman of leisure in the Allitt household! He passed over at the age of 14 years along with his sister Bella.
He was a CoD do extraordinaire and both he and Bella will be missed x .
Happy New Year
Happy New Year from The Company of Dogs and thank you all from one rescue dog (Cloud pictured below) to all of our wonderful adopters, fosters, volunteers, administrators and supporters.
Have a beautiful, brave and kind 2022
Cloud our beautiful disabled Company of Dogs rescue from Spain
The Company of Dogs is an idea shared between so many people and it only works because of the dedication of all our supporters that kindly give up their time and energy for free. From the fantastic fundraisers, the home checkers, the foster families- we have managed to home 65 dogs in 2021 during a difficult time in terms of Brexit and the current Global pandemic.
The Company of Dogs could not function without the support teams here in Jersey, CI and also in Spain, as well as the lovely Condor Ferry people and our local vets.
We are thankful for the continued support from Islana and her troops at Fun4Dogs with her Spanish special school, of training for our new arrivals, including pre -arrival talks for new adopters. In Spain the teams that locate and collect the dogs and feed back information and photos from their kennel locations, work headed by Antoniette and Bo.
Special thanks also go out to Brian of Ibizan Hound Rescue – we are endlessly grateful for the help and support he gives to the Company of Dogs.
2022 is likely to continue to be a challenging time for the logistical aspect of the Company of Dogs work but with your continued support we will carry on making a difference to the lives of dogs in need of help and a better, safer future.
Thank you all x
A Company of Dogs beach meet up in Jersey 2020RIP Albie (Albert)
Albie’s Story…
Albert spent his adult life in a perrera, from being a near pup to an adult dog of 10 or 11 (we are not sure which), he was constantly passed by, spending his life in in one small kennel and run. He never knew a bed, a house, a garden or a toy, or winter warmth and he spent all that time with his kennel mate Harold who was also passed over year by year.. We initially released Harold and not Albert because he was too short to be seen in the early photos, when asked if we would, we took Albert as well, we thought he had the best ears ever. Pat Robson helped to sponsor him in kennels, and because we decided that he would need a home that would simply be there for him whilst he experienced finally, free life and he was not be formally adopted.
Lisa Young and her family stepped up for Albert and gave him an amazing two years of beach walks, sofa’s, soft beds and Christmases, we could not have asked for more.Yesterday Albie had a seizure that left him partially paralyzed and it was decided that he had lived his best life and to let him go out on the absolute high his life had become. We cannot thank Lisa enough for her love, Pat for her ever present help, Antoinette, Bo, and Debra in Spain and our fundraisers who oiled the transport wheels to bring him here – rescuing is never about one person it is always, always a team sport and with Albie we scored the best home ever helped as always by an outstanding group of people.